Want to collaborate with Northbound Dog Co.?
If you have an account that's regularly active, has high engagement and great photos, we'd love to hear from you! There are a few different ways we partner with accounts in our social community - Read below to see if we'd be a good fit! Your information will be kept on file and selected as needed based on our marketing plans.

Paid Per Post
Please email your Rate Sheet/Media Kit! Looking for both strait PPP accounts as well as on a 3 month term basis. Please send pricing for both. You will also receive free product for your posts.

Product Exchange
Have a great account but still building? Posts in exchange for free product may be the right fit for you. You will be set up with a collar, leash and bandana of your choice. Depending on the length of the term, I often send additional products.

Product Photography
In this format, you will be sent products to photograph strictly to be sent to me to be used on our social media accounts. Posting on your account not required. Can be you and your dog, on your dog or just the product (or a mix of all). Please send your rates per photo and your portfolio.
To Apply:
Send an email with above requested information and which format you'd like to apply for to: kasierae@northbounddogco.com
Make sure the email subject is formatted as follows:
COLLAB / (Your IG Handle) / (Your First + Last Name)
For example: COLLAB / northbounddogco / Kasie Rae Johnson
Looking forward to hearing from you!!